Monday, October 2, 2017

A Look Back at the First Days of First Grade

The first days of the school year are behind us.  Gone are those timid little ones with the wide eyes who wondered what first grade would be like, or if they'd find a friend or where should they sit.  We used those first days to make friends, learn procedure, engage in cooperative activities and understand the first grade way.  Take a peek into those early days.

This is the classroom as I walked through it one final time the afternoon before school started.  I too, was excited for the first day of school.  I used those last quiet moments to pray for each of the precious little ones that would walk through that door in the morning. The quiet and the order would be short lived but the time spend committing our year to the Lord will bring blessing all year long.

Many of the beginning of the year activities were designed to build friendships and to learn to share and work together.
All smiles

Working on a hard one

Look what cooperation can do!
Having fun

We had to learn to be responsible for our own desk and supplies and even how to how to take a test!

The school year has been especially warm and sunny.  It has been beautiful weather for using our new playground equipment. But who would have thought we would have needed to use the misting tent on the first day of Fall!