Parent Information

Birthdays - 
Birthdays are very exciting days for first graders.  We would love to celebrate your child's birthday as a class.  You are welcome to send a treat to share with the class.  The treat does not need to be cupcakes, although it certainly is an option.  Send a treat that your child enjoys. Just send the treat in the morning and we will celebrate as the day's schedule allows. Be sure to send napkins or or other supplies need to serve or eat the treat. The children will write birthday letters to their friend. Be sure to enjoy reading them together at home.

If your child has a summer birthday we will celebrate his/her half birthday.  (Please, note only one birthday celebration per child.  If we have celebrated or will be celebrating your child's real birthday we will not also celebrate the half birthday as a class.)

Transportation Changes-
Throughout the year there will be times when you may need to make a change to your regular transportation.  Please, send a note to school with your child noting the change.  Children are easily confused so your child's word is not enough to change the plan. If the need to change the plan occurs during the school day you need to call the office.  I may not have time to check my email during the school day. 

School Supplies - 

Please supply following items:

a pencil box
a box of crayons
(6) #2 pencils - sharpened 
a pair of scissors
(2) two pocket folders
(2) glue sticks
colored pencils 
bar eraser
2 boxes of tissues
a paint shirt ( an adult sized t-shirt)
gym shoes- to be kept at school and worn only in the gym floor
a change of clothes that are dress code compliant
an emergency lunch
clorox wipes

In addition your child needs an Art box:

a pencil box ( this is a second pencil box)
bar eraser
#2 pencils
water based colored markers (8 pack)
glue sticks

School supplies and art supplies should be replaced as needed.

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